ME_Water final singles - page 71

Don’t get sick - wash your hands
Water can not only be deadly, but it can transport
deadly things too. Diarrhoea is just one of many
diseases that are spread by bacterial, viral and
parasitic organisms living in pooy water.
Diarrhoea alone kills around 760,000 children each
year - they lose water more quickly than they can
replace it. This is more people than live in Bristol
(620,000) or Nottingham (730,000). In the UK water
companies clean our water to nearly eliminate the
chances of being made sick from tap water.
Here are some survival tips for drinking water:
>> Always wash your hands with clean water before
eating or putting your hands in your mouth,
>> When travelling abroad only drink or brush your
teeth with treated water. Use bottled water with an
intact seal if you need to.
>> If you cannot access treated or bottled water,
boil it for 5 minutes to kill off any nasty things
living inside it.
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