Urban Wetland Photographer of the Year Competition

How to enter

Urban Wetland Photographer of the Year champions the wonder of blue spaces in an urban setting.

The photography taken at wetland sites around London is aimed at highlighting the impact that conservation is having on nature and people in one of the world’s most famous capitals.

The competition is free to enter and open to all. It closes at 23:59 GMT on 31st August 2023.

Our judges panel:

The categories

  • Wetland Landscape: Capture the dramatic atmosphere of the urban wetland
  • Wildlife Behaviour: Portraying a memorable moment with your subjects - can be playful, serious, inquisitive or unusual
  • Rare/Unique Wetland Moment: A moment unique to an urban wetland
  • Smartphone: Capture a meaningful image on your phone
  • International: For those of you unable to make it to London this is the category for you! Urban wetlands from around the world

The prizes

  • All category winners will be given free individual WWT membership. Existing members will be given free renewal for the following year. All category winners will be considered for the title of Urban Wetland Photographer of the year.
  • The overall winner will receive the title of Urban Wetland Photographer of the Year 2023, winning photo displayed on site at London Wetland Centre for a year and WWT joint or family membership.

How to enter

  • Please submit all entries via email to londoncompetition@wwt.org.uk. Only entries submitted via this email address will be deemed valid. Entries received via other means cannot be accepted.
  • The subject of your email should be Urban Wetland Photography Competition
  • Submitted images should be hi-resolution with a combined maximum total file size of 20MB. There is no limit on the size of a single image but please try to keep them as small as possible.
  • Each entry must be submitted under an individual’s name and should be accompanied by details of when and where the photograph was taken. Please share as much detail as you would like about the circumstances of the image.
  • You can submit up to 10 photographs across any and all categories. Only the first 10 photographs you submit will accepted.
  • Your email must contain your name and best way of best contacting you – via email or telephone
  • The competition ends at 23:59 GMT on the 31st August 2023.
  • Please read terms and conditions carefully before entering (detailed below).

The details