Each season brings its star species and spectacles to London Wetland Centre
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From the fragrant aroma of wildflowers to the delightful song of the chiffchaff, London Wetland Centre comes to life in spring, a brilliant time of year when new life begins. It’s the perfect moment to see sand martins, wheatears and wagtails.
Star species: redshank, common sandpiper, green sandpiper, black-tailed godwit, little ringed plover, wheatear, yellow wagtail, chiffchaff

In spring we look out for the return of warblers: willow, sedge, grasshopper and garden, plus blackcaps, whitethroats and lesser whitethroats.

Late spring is a great time to see orchids, irises and snake’s head fritillaries, as well as many other wildflowers coming into bloom in our sustainable gardens.

Redshanks, little ringed plovers and great crested grebes display, while lapwings are already sat on nests.
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