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Things to do on a rainy day this summer

Weather forecasts are getting more confusing by the day. With July just around the corner it's time to plan how to keep the family entertained for the school break. There's something here for everyone to enjoy so don't let the rain keep you cooped up indoors for the summer holidays. When the weather gets unpredictable, take inspiration from our guide to make the most of a rainy day at WWT Llanelli Wetland Centre. We've got you covered whatever the weather decides to do!

On rainy days, feel invigorated by the fresh cooler air and the luxury of peace and quiet. With so much space and plenty of cover across the wetlands, you can enjoy a different pace and take more time to observe nature without having to rush. Pause to enjoy the sound of rain gently drumming on the wooden roof of a hide or splashing on ferns, or the drip of a raindrop in a pond or puddle. Jump in the puddle! Go on! Nobody's watching.


The ducks love the rain. Listen to them dabble and preen, splashing without a care in the world, making all kinds of incredible quacks and squeaks to each other. We all need to be a bit more duck.

We've also got lots of daily organised activities for the whole family over the summer holidays (20 July - 1 September), come rain or shine.

Did you know that there is a name for that wonderful earthy smell you get after a good rain shower on dry ground? Petrichor - taken from Greek words meaning rock or stone and the ethereal fluid that they believed was the blood of gods.

Wiggly Wood and Explore

If you're outdoors when the heavens open, there are plenty of places to shelter and enjoy the sights, sounds and smells of summer rain falling.

There's good cover from the trees in the woods and Explore play area - so you can happily enjoy some wild play in Explore or build yourself a den without getting too soaked. The sound of raindrops hitting the canopy of leaves above is an amazingly comforting sensory experience.

There are also wooden play huts to shelter in around Explore... Just don't wake up the Wizard!

Water Lab


Play in the Water Lab and learn about the water cycle. Turn the waterwheel to scoop up all of this lovely rain and watch it spill and splash through the multicoloured windows. Listen to steel cups slowly fill with rain - drip, drip, drip - and the waterfall as they overfill and the water cascades into each cup below on its way to the ground.

Hide and Seek

There are accessible hides across the wetlands, each offering something different for every visitor. On rainy days, the wildlife you can see from the comfort of a hide will be totally different to a sunny day, and the birds act differently when it rains. It really is lovely weather for ducks!


If you head to the Heron's Wing Hide, the big windows offer you a great view of the sky and the lake below. You can watch the Swallows and Sand Martins swoop above as they dodge raindrops to catch bugs; look down to the water and vegetation to spot Tufted Ducks diving, Mute Swans with young, Moorhens picking at pondweed, and even Kingfishers hunting with their spear-like beaks. If you don't have a pair of binoculars, you can hire a pair from the shop if you'd like to see more details. To see across the estuary and scrapes, pop up to the Viewing Tower to use the telescope. Here you'll see Egrets, Redshank, Spoonbill, and many other charismatic wetland species.

Indoor play


We've got our soft play area for little ones, books, a colouring table, Lego, and even a swan train to play with. Take in glorious views of the pond, watching Dragonflies skim the water and birds happily feeding on our feeders while you enjoy a coffee. Greenfinch, Chaffinch, Goldfinch, Tits and Great Spotted Woodpecker are regular visitors - and the chubby Grey Squirrels plopping in the pond will give you a laugh.

See or hear something you don't recognise? Use our iPad to identify any mystery birds discovered on your visit. With photos, videos and sounds, it's a great way to learn more about the wild species here at the wetlands, and, of course, you can always ask one of our volunteers on the Info Desk for advice.

The soft play area is open until 4pm daily.

Embrace the weather!

Put on your wellies, pick up your umbrella, and embrace the rain! Splash around our grounds puddle jumping, or head to Explore and get muddy. Squelch through the muddy obstacle courses, bounce across the wobbly bridge to the wet woods, and balance along a reedy ramble, discovering the wildlife and secret nooks.


On the nature reserve, feel the wet willow leaves brush against your cheeks and hands as you make your way around Swan's Nest Maze, getting lost in the green corridors as you try and find the giant swan's eggs in the middle. Water Vole City is another great play area on the reserve, and you can slide through the tunnels on wet days and get lost in the banks and paths. Real voles have been spotted here, so keep your eyes open for these special furry creatures.

Ready to visit?

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