Fluffy babies abound at WWT Washington's duckery

The patter of tiny webbed feet is echoing around WWT Washington’s duckery, as our rare and endangered waterbirds continue to hatch.

Red-billed whistling duck

The rainy weather in spring delayed the typical breeding season slightly, so chicks that normally would have arrived in early summer and would by now be 'teenagers' are just starting to make an appearance.

So far this year, we have welcomed the following species into the world, with more on the way:

Geese - Ross’s, Hawaiian, swan, barnacle and Andean.

Swans - coscoroba and black-necked.

Ducks - Northern pintail, European shoveler, smew, red-billed whistling, white-faced whistling, mandarin, Carolina, common shelduck, Eurasian wigeon, eider, Philippine, red shoveler and white-headed.

Coming soon...watch this space for a heart-warming video of a coscoroba swan hatching...

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