Discover wildlife

Nestled close to the heart of the capital, WWT London is a haven of tranquillity for wildlife and people

It's the ideal place to immerse yourself in nature. Our wetlands are vibrant havens for wildlife, offering abundant water, rich biodiversity, and safe breeding grounds. Connect with the wonders of the natural world and discover the incredible diversity of life that thrives here.

What you'll see

The lakes, pools and gardens are home to a huge variety of wildlife, including birds, dragonflies, damselflies, bats, mammals, lizards and more. Check out our Wildlife page for our star species in each season and our Latest sightings page for full details of what we've seen this week.

Emperor dragonfly on water

Where to see wildlife

Wildlife is everywhere, so keep your eyes peeled and ears open for sights and sounds along every pathway!

In summer, survey lakes for birds, ponds for dragonflies and frogs, and reedbeds for water voles - listen out for the characteristic 'plop' noise as they drop into the water, after chomping on reeds. Visit the meadows for butterflies and minibeasts, and keep an eye out for lizards basking in the sun. Not to mention wildflowers - summer is their season!

If you want to really get stuck in, there are six hides, perfect for watching wildlife and photography. Take a seat and get comfortable—spend some time surveying the landscape. Our hides host lots of information and bird books to help you identify your discoveries. Hire a set of binoculars or use our hide scopes to get even closer to the action.

For those who seek another level of tranquillity, come and enjoy Wildside. Find a secluded spot and absorb the peacefulness whilst you observe the migrating birdlife and enjoy a soothing sunset.

World Wetlands

Take a look at a spectacular array of colourful birds and learn how WWT’s conservation work is carried out across the globe.

Wildlife talks

Join our volunteers from Friday to Sunday and learn some incredible facts about the wetlands and why they are so important. On the day of your visit, check the What’s On courtyard board for updates on talk topics and times. Each talk lasts around 15 minutes.

Guide in the Hide

The Headley Hide offers a close-up view of wildlife with comfort! From 10am until 2pm daily our guide in the hide can help you identify the wildlife that you see (subject to volunteer availability).

Getting around

The paths at London Wetland Centre are mostly flat and there are plenty of benches dotted about. Our three storey hide, the Peacock Tower, has a lift. For more information visit our Accessibility page.