These aren't just flamingos… these could be M&S-funded flamingos…

A flamingling explores the water at WWT Washington

Wildlife lovers are being urged to help secure funding to create Europe’s first solar-powered flamingo house at Washington Wetland Centre and encourage its flock to breed.

The project to install Solar Photovoltaic (PV) panels, UV lighting and heat lamps is shortlisted for £12,000 from the M&S Energy Fund and if successful will provide sustainable conditions for breeding and rearing ‘flaminglings’, as the fluffy chicks are affectionately known.

But with two weeks to go till the 20 October deadline, crucial public votes are still needed for the plans to top the Tyne and Wear category and secure the cash.

“We're delighted to have reached this stage and would be so grateful to receive this vital boost for our much-loved and important Chilean flamingo flock,” said Leanne McCormella, WWT Washington’s marketing manager.

“Not only will the project help create optimum breeding conditions for our birds but the renewable energy generated will also reduce carbon emissions and save our charity money.

“We can’t win without public votes though, so we’re urging anyone who loves wildlife to take just a couple of minutes to go online and help us.

“More flaminglings and Europe’s first solar-powered flamingo house right here in the North East? Who wouldn’t want that!?”

Leanne McCormella (WWT), Maria Dunville (ARPower) and Sharon Lashley (Enviro UK Consultants Limited) at the flamingo house (CREDIT Laura Scott

Also working hard to boost the voting tally are project partners Enviro UK Consultants Limited and renewable energy company ARPower.

Sharon Lashley from Enviro UK Consultants Limited (, said: “As an active WWT member we are so very proud and excited to be part of this very unique Solar PV project.

“Installing solar panels onto the flamingo house alongside UV lighting and heat lamps is such an amazing way to encourage and support the flamingo breeding programme at WWT Washington.

“As a PV Project manager this is most definitely one of our most innovative and exciting energy efficiency projects to date.”

Washington-based ARPower’s ( director Maria Dunville said: “We see a lot of interesting projects with Solar, but in my six years working within the industry this has got to be one of the most unique. The opportunity to help create life is amazing - how special is that?

“I think all parties working on this project blend so well together; wildlife, clean energy and preserving the environment.

“It is also a fabulous opportunity to give back and boost the economy in Washington. Growing up here, I am very invested in this project succeeding!”

And three-year-old WWT Washington visitor/flamingo expert Freddie Hetherington from Durham added: “I love the flamingos. I especially like their robot legs. I want at least 10 more babies!”

So please help us (and all the future flaminglings!) by visiting the M&S Energy Fund website at to vote by 20 October!

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