Ed reminisces about her time at WWT Caerlaverock as a reserve placement.
The last year working and living on site at WWT Caerlaverock has been a truly incredible experience that I can’t quite believe is over. Having applied for the placement and gone through the application process online I wasn’t sure what to expect but it's safe to say this year has exceeded my every expectation. Arriving on site for the first time and seeing the views of the saltmarsh with the lake district behind I knew that Caerlaverock was an amazing place to be.
I started my placement as someone with little practical and monitoring experience but knowing I wanted a career in practical conservation. In just 12 short months, the number and variety of skills I have acquired is unimaginable, from driving tractors and using chainsaws to improving my identification skills for a wide variety of taxa, particularly birds. I really have learnt a lot this year!
Experiencing the site for an entire year allowed me to see the dramatic and constant changes of the reserve between the different seasons. Waking up to the sounds of barnacle geese and whooper swans in the winter mornings, to hearing a variety of birdsong in the spring and then seeing the wildflower meadow spring to life in the summer. There was never a still or dull moment at Caerlaverock, you can’t not be obsessed with the site.
It's difficult to choose my highlights of the year with so many different and fantastic experiences. I was lucky enough to see a black darter and ring a barn owl chick this summer, moments I will never forget. But a key highlight of my year must be the tree sparrow project. I had the privilege of being able to help monitor the boxes, ring the tree sparrow chicks and produce a report at the end of the season. Being able to directly see the positive impact the reserve is having on this species gave me an even further appreciation of conservation projects and has given me the motivation to have a career after university which allows me to continue this work.
Living and working on site has been a unique and special experience. The team here has made the experience even better. Even days spent outside in the pouring rain and howling winds were still so positive. I was able to learn so much from everyone and am grateful for all the support they have given me this year.
I’m so thankful for this experience and excited to use everything I have learnt this year in my future career. I have only just left and I already can’t wait to come back and visit!
Words and pictures by Ed (Emily) Dixon