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Recent Sightings 5th February 2024

The tide was slowly creeping out for this count, providing lots of waders and wildfowl that could easily be seen from the Brent Hide and the Limekiln Observatory. Large numbers of Knot were feeding on the mudflats with smaller Dunlin mixed into the group. Knot are winter visitors to our coasts, arriving here from August and staying until approximately May. As they are with us over the colder months, we see them in their winter coats, a beautiful blend of grey, white and silvery feathers in a stark contrast to their bold, black beak.

Siskin (pictured) have been spotted for the first time this year in and around the Sensory Garden. You can catch them either eating at the bird feeders, or feeding high up in the conifers. They characteristically will hang upside-down whilst grazing on seeds in the trees. A beautiful yellow and black patterned passerine, they also have a distinctive forked tail.

Estuary - visible from the Brent Hide and the Limekiln Observatory

Shelduck 26, Redshank 18, Oystercatcher 124, Grey plover 2, Curlew 28, Light-bellied brent goose 37, Great black-backed gull 1, Lesser black-backed gull 2, Herring gull 2, Eider 60, Hooded crow 2, Dunlin 32, Knot 238, Black-tailed godwit 24, Jackdaw 2

Main lake - visible from Sensory garden and Visitor Centre

Teal 18, Mallard 98, Gadwall 2, Tufted duck 14, Moorhen 2, Shoveler 3, Little grebe 1, Cormorant 2, Black-headed gull 1, Coal tit, Blue tit, Great tit, Long-tailed tit, Blackbird, Robin, Dunnock, Wood pigeon, Chaffinch, Mistle thrush, Robin, Siskin, Goldfinch, Goldcrest, Bullfinch

Shingle Bank - visible from Sensory garden and Visitor Centre

Moorhen 4, Teal 10, Mallard 45, Cormorant 2

Wadermarsh - visible from Wadermarsh lookout and Brent Hide

Teal 52, Moorhen 2, Black-tailed godwit 16, Redshank 8, Greenshank 4, Shelduck 1

Freshwater Lagoon - visible from Brent Hide and Crannóg

Moorhen 6, Mallard 4, Teal 12

Saline Lagoon - visible from Limekiln observatory

Little grebe 2, Gadwall 18


Jackdaw 2, Blackbird, Robin


Great tit, Chaffinch, Wood pigeon, Magpie, Goldcrest, Blackbird, Wren, Kingfisher

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