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Otter, Canada Goose, Snipe, and a greying Great Crested Grebe

February has brought a few fan-favourite species for us to spot.

From fuzzy foxes to frenzied flocks, there’s plenty to see at WWT Llanelli!

Wildlife Sightings at WWT Llanelli from 26th January – 2nd February 2025

Highlights: Otter, Canada Goose, Snipe, Great Crested Grebe

Deep Water Lake’s beloved Otters have made a few more appearances in the last week, as well as leaving behind some tracks for our Reserve Team to find! Our featured photo this week captures a wide-eyed Otter swimming around opposite the Sir Peter Scott Hide on Tuesday. Although their diet mainly consists of fish, Otters are known to prey on birds and small mammals. However, if feeling gutsy, Otters are known to be able to take on prey of their own size or even slightly bigger!

Over on the Saltmarsh, numbers of Canada Geese reached over a hundred towards the end of January. Honking raucously in large gaggles – whether flying, swimming, or on dry land – they’ll certainly let you know that they’re around.

Also appearing in large numbers, the Snipe on Deep Water Lake have rallied their troops to over eighty-five individuals! Spending much of their time digging around for insects and worms (or stood perfectly still), these birds have an adapted bill with a flexible tip full of nerves to aid them in searching for buried food.

After a few months of absence, the Great Crested Grebe has returned to Deep Water Lake – now sporting its stylish grey winter plumage. Fun fact – Great Crested Grebe chicks are often referred to as “humbugs” due to their black and white stripes (how cute!).

A furry finish to this week’s sightings – the Yellow-Necked Mice and Fox have once again been seen around the Millenium Wetlands. As these animals are mainly nocturnal, you’ll have to have luck on your side to spot them!

Featured Photo Credit: Neil Fermandel

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