We know wetlands are a solution to the many problems our natural world faces. By entrusting WWT with a gift in your Will, you can help us restore wetlands and unlock their power.
Your gift will help us:
Protect and restore more wetlands
At WWT Steart Marshes we’re building the case for wetland restoration to drive nature’s recovery. We’re also demonstrating the crucial role wetlands like the saltmarshes at Steart can play, storing carbon, protecting us against floods and supporting our health and wellbeing.
"For me Steart is a sanctuary. A place where wildlife, nature and people can thrive. I always leave energised and at peace with myself." Mandy Canning, Volunteer.
We have big ambitions to create 100,000 more hectares of new and restored wetland in the UK by 2050. Your gift can help make this a reality.
Save wetland nature
We’ve been working to boost the UK population of black-tailed godwits since 2017. Through our pioneering rear and release programme, we’ve been incubating chicks and keeping them safe in their early days, before releasing them into the wild. In the first five years we’ve hand reared 235 birds this way.
"It’s been amazing to watch birds we’ve helped return in the spring and see the number of breeding pairs at our project sites slowly begin to increase." William Costa, Project Manager.
WWT are world leaders in bringing species back from the brink. But we have a long way to go until we can say the black-tailed godwit is safe. Your gift could enable us to achieve even more.
Carry out more pioneering research
In the longest running study of its kind, we’ve been monitoring Bewick’s swans for over 50 years. What started with Sir Peter Scott’s drawings of individual swans, now uses cutting edge science, from laboratory equipment to research swan health, to GPS trackers to understand their migration routes.
"Over the years we’ve built up a vivid and rich picture of the lives of essentially 10,000 individual swans that have come here since the sixties. It’s an amazing and valuable data set." Julia Newth, Ecosystem Health Manager.
Some of the most impactful wetland research in the world is taking place at WWT. Your gift will help us do more to understand and overcome the threats facing our wetland wildlife.
Speak up for wetlands and their wildlife
In 2024 we marched through London for wetlands and for nature, united with 60,000 people from across the UK. The message was clear; we need nature as much as nature needs us and we need urgent action from our politicians to restore it.
"I’m here with WWT because I think there needs to be massive strides if we’re going to save nature, and wetlands have got to be a crucial part of that." David Gray, WWT Ambassador.
With your support, we can continue to speak up for our wetlands and their wildlife and make sure they get the protection they need.
Support wetland communities
In Cambodia we’re working with nearly 300 farmers to support a switch to a more sustainable rice. We’re also supporting local people by creating more flooded forests that will provide valuable fish nurseries.
"The results are clear. Better lives for farming and fishing communities, means more habitat for cranes and other wildlife." Bunthary Srun, Project Coordinator in Cambodia.
Your gift will help us support sustainable livelihoods for even more wetland communities around the world.
Create places of joy and wonder at our sites
In 2024 we created an immersive and accessible wetland at our Slimbridge site. The new Estuary Shoreline landscape provides a beautiful place where we can inspire visitors about the superpowers of wetlands.
"As a child, I became interested in wildlife when my parents took me to Slimbridge. Now I have grandchildren, and we spend many happy hours at WWT Llanelli. They build dens out of willow, identify wild birds and feed the tame ones." Mrs P A Morgan, Gift in Will pledger.
Your support will mean we can share even more magical wetland experiences with our visitors and show them how vital wetlands are for our planet’s future.
Inspire love for these extraordinary places
The dragonflies at WWT Llanelli are a firm favourite with eight-year-old Jamie Smart. She loves the challenge of photographing them while they’re flying. In 2023 she won the Youth Award in our annual members’ photography competition.
"They’re amazing in flight – like tiny helicopters. I wanted to capture one hunting and I tried over and over again, using different settings. Then finally I got a shot I’m pleased with." Jamie Smart, Winner WWT photography competition.
Your gift will help us create magical experiences so even more people fall in love with wetlands and their wildlife and want to save them.
"The heartfelt conversations you have with loved ones about your wishes are as important as the gift itself. It gives you the chance to relive special moments and memories made. To share why you’re leaving a gift to our charity and talk about WWT with your friends and family."