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Flourishing floodplains

We’re restoring the Severn and Avon Vale floodplains to their former glory, so they can once again be strongholds for biodiversity.

As well as storing vast quantities of floodwater, healthy river floodplains can support a huge range of wildlife, including many declining freshwater species. The Flourishing Floodplains project is restoring threatened wetland habitats in the farmed landscape of the Severn and Avon Vales, helping to increase biodiversity, store carbon, improve soil and water quality, and connect people with nature.

This project is supported by the Green Recovery Challenge fund and we will deliver it alongside our project partners Farming & Wildlife Advisory Group South West (FWAG-SW) and the Floodplain Meadows Partnership led by the Open University (FMP-OU).

The challenge

Many of the UK’s fertile floodplains have been developed for industrial and societal needs, resulting in the loss of wildlife-rich habitats as well as the important ecosystem services they provide.

The Severn and Avon Vales are prime examples. Formerly a large, connected mosaic of floodplain meadows, marshes and small wetlands, the landscape has seen a marked decline in priority habitats and in characteristic species such as curlew and European eel.

Floodplain meadows in this farmed landscape were once rich with different species, but only 1,100ha remain in England and Wales.

Image credit: Jack Perks / WWT

Floodplain meadows support a diversity of plants and other wildlife, and deliver ecosystem services including carbon and floodwater storage.

Set amongst the meadows are ponds and other small waterbodies, which support a disproportionately high number of freshwater species and are important hotspots for declining terrestrial wildlife, such as farmland birds (Many of which are now on the Red List of BoCC5.)

The eel and curlew are iconic species closely associated with local culture and livelihoods; however, they are in trouble. The Severn catchment is internationally important for the Critically Endangered European eel, which has declined catastrophically since the 1980s. Following major declines, curlews are considered the most urgent bird conservation priority in the UK. Curlew populations in the southern lowlands are particularly at risk, and the Severn and Avon Vales is home to one of the largest breeding populations in this area (approximately 35 pairs).

What we are doing

Restoring habitat

Our primary work is to create and restore healthy floodplain habitat to support the recovery of a huge range of dependent species. To do this, we are creating a network of wildlife-rich ponds across a 4,000ha landscape while beginning pond restoration work in two other landscapes. Farmland ponds may be small, but they are hugely important wetland pockets that provide far-reaching benefits to wildlife.

We are also surveying 1,000ha of botanically valuable floodplain meadows, with the aim of restoring at least 20ha of this priority habitat. As part of this work, we will be building the evidence base to prove how important floodplain meadows are as stores of soil carbon.

Protecting species

At the same time, we’ll be implementing emergency action to improve curlew breeding success in 2,400ha of currently occupied meadows, working with farmers who want to help the birds, and building the evidence to inform future action.

We’ll be learning more about the elusive European eel by mapping their distribution in small wetlands using eDNA techniques.

Creating advocates

Most importantly, we’re working with farmers and other land managers on nature-friendly farming, floodplain restoration, soil health and wetland management, so that they have the knowledge and skills to build on our work.

We’re also helping members of the public to understand and care about floodplain wetlands through events, citizen science and community initiatives.

What we hope to achieve

We want to reverse the fortunes of the Severn and Avon Vale floodplain, by creating and restoring wetland habitat and encouraging more sensitive land management. This will enhance flood resilience, improve soil health and increase carbon storage, amongst many other benefits. Eel and curlew populations will be safeguarded and show strong signs of recovery.

We will have built capacity for future floodplain restoration by training and supporting land managers. Local communities will have a greater understanding of and involvement in their natural floodplain heritage and feel invested in it, as a result of public engagement, volunteering and citizen science.

Get in touch

If you have any questions about this project, please contact Ellie Jones on

Case studies

Our Waterscapes programme works towards a vision where local communities, landowners, farmers, businesses and our partners cherish, help create and benefit from, healthy wetland landscapes. Part of ‘Waterscapes’ focussed on the Severn and Vale region through the Green Recovery Challenge fund (GRCF) project, including the development of four video case studies (working with farmers and the Countryside and Community Research Institute). We believe that farmers are integral to floodplain conservation, because they have the skills, knowledge and experience and the land to make a significant contribution to wetland recovery.

Greg Chamberlayne

Chamberlayne farms, Gloucestershire

Case study factsheet

Debbie Wilkins

Norton Court farm, Gloucester

Case study factsheet

Andy and Richard Rummings

Waterhay farm, Wiltshire

Case study factsheet

Rob Davies

Barrow farm, Gloucestershire

Case study factsheet

These case studies present the farmers story: the facts and figures; highs and lows; and future plans including:

  • Highlighting the challenges, motivations, opportunities and alternative approaches to farming in the floodplains.
  • Exploring different types of farmer attitudes and business approaches.
  • Investigating the challenges, and barriers to floodplain recovery and maintenance.
  • Illustrating how farmers can become engaged and be supported to restore floodplains alongside their farmingbusinesses.
  • Providing practical examples of nature friendly and ‘regenerative’ farming in the SevernVale floodplain.
  • Demonstrating how farmers have been supported to transition toward more agro-ecological farming.

These farmers are moving towards regenerative sustainable floodplain farming – you can do it too, WWT want to help!

Floodplain meadow plants available

Planning a floodplain grassland creation or restoration project in the Severn Vale?

Our Community Growing Hub at Slimbridge can supply a range of native wildflower plug plants of local provenance.

Find out more

This project is funded by the Government's Green Recovery Challenge Fund.

The fund was developed by Defra and its arm's-length bodies. It is being delivered by The National Lottery Heritage Fund in partnership with Natural England, the Environment Agency and Forestry Commission.