Joyeux Leby Vohozanaka
Field Technician, Tseny Project (Madagascar)
Contact details
About me
I am a Botanist with a specialisation in plant ecology. I hold a Master’s degree in plant ecology from the Faculty of Science at the University of Ankatso-Antananarivo. I worked at Missouri Botanical Garden, Madagascar, as a Project Manager Assistant in the Makirovana Community conservation programme for two years and then as an Ecological Restauration Officer for two years also. Along the way, I worked with and I was trained and supervised by extraordinary biologist Dr Chris Birkinshaw. Working with Dr Birkinshaw on natural resource conservation may be the greatest moment of my live so far and he is my mentor.
Previously, I worked on conservation of natural resource and biodiversity in forests. Now, I work on conservation of natural resource and biodiversity in wetlands with WWT. As an ecologist, I think the challenge is to protect nature. Therefore, with WWT I am ready to give my best and rise to the challenge for Madagascar’s wetland conservation programmes.
My role
My role as a Field Technician includes:
- Liaise with Madagasikara Voakajy (MaVOa) Regional Offices and local authorities for any aspect regarding to the management and wise-use activities of the lake.
- Support the implementation of key activities in strong collaboration with MaVoa field teams to achieve the highest possible conservation impacts in their project areas.
- Assess and monitor the extent and status of aquatic and lakeside vegetation. This task include a detailed assessment and survey of key habitats and training to local monitoring team.
- Support and implement the environmental and awareness rising program at lake Tseny, with a close collaboration with MaVoa team.
- Conduct field research related to wetland processes, functioning and services provision. This task includes supporting students and volunteers engaged within the project lifetime.
- Support the elaboration of the Vondron’Olona Ifotony (VOI) management plan and the Lake Tseny management plan.
- Develop with the Country Coordinator, a joint research plan for WWT Madagascar’s wetland sites.
Experience and interests
- Team management
- Management of natural resource conservation programmes
- Ecological restauration and reforestation
- Forest ecosystem ecology
- Biological inventories and monitoring
- Botanical collection
- Environmental education