Privacy policy for WWT goose and swan colour-marking projects

This privacy policy sets out how the Wildfowl & Wetlands Trust (WWT) processes personal data we collect from you or are provided by you for the purposes of WWT goose and swan colour-marking projects.

This policy was updated in February 2023 and may be updated from time to time. If changes are made to this policy in the future, a prominent notice will be posted here.

This policy replaces the version dated 18 December 2018.

The following change has been made to the policy:

WWT will hold and process personal information for participants aged 16 or over. For participants under 16, unless we have obtained consent from their parents/carers or someone with parental responsibilities, only their names will be held for the purposes directly related to the project.

The above statement replaces:

WWT will only store personal information for participants aged 16 or over. Children under the age of 16 wishing to participate in GSMP surveys must be accompanied by a parent/carer or someone with parental responsibilities. Any personal data provided (including the recorder’s name provided with the biological records) must be that of the responsible adult.