Latest Sightings

The first winter flocks of black-tailed godwit have arrived on the main mere over the past few days with a 400+ strong flock seen on Wednesday and these birds can be viewed from Discovery hide at the back of the mere. They are also joined by the ever present lapwing and a green sandpiper has been regularly seen from Hale hide.

Raptor activity is still high on site with various merlin sightings reported alongside buzzard and marsh harrier, though no recent reports of hen harrier. There is a lot of owl activity on site with short-eared owl seen over the farmland as well as good views of barn owl from Ron Barker and Mere View hide as well as tawny owl in the collection.

A bittern was also reported at Ron Barker hide and the feeders at Janet Kear are popular with recent sightings of great spotted woodpecker and jay.

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