Great egret around all week

A great egret has been onsite all week, moving between the lagoon at Ramsar and Sand martin hides and the water at Scrape hide. We are getting up to 14 little egrets in to roost at the end of the day.

Visitor Martin Watson took this photo of the great egret last Sunday.

The beautiful colours of autumn surround the site, with spindle and Guelder rose looking particularly splendid right now. With the highly changeable weather, we are still seeing an abundance of migrant hawker and common darter dragonflies, willow emerald damselflies, red admiral and peacock butterflies, and even the odd grass snake or two on warmer or sunnier days.

Our Reserve Team works have been focused on the wet grassland, clearing areas less palatable for the cattle that did a fabulous job 'mowing' the area. This will leave areas of cover for snipe through the winter, whilst also ensuring a favourable condition for breeding lapwing next spring.

Below is not a list of all wildlife onsite. It is the recorded wildlife sightings by WWT staff noted on the morning walk around, with different areas recorded on different days.

Tues 18 Oct

Ramsar & Sand martin hide: 31 Canada geese, 5 greylag geese, 18 black-headed gulls, 1 great egret, 3 coots, 1 moorhen, 24 lapwing, 4 gadwall, 2 shelducks, 1 herringgull, 1 pochard, 3 tufted ducks, 1 cormorant,5 wood pigeons

Wetland Discovery: 1 pochard, 1 water rail

Willow screen: 1 teal

Arun Riverlife: 1 little grebe, 1 kingfisher

Scrape hide: 6 snipe, 1 wigeon

Mon 17 Oct

Sand Martin hide: 3 shelducks, 1 great egret, 3 teal, 1 pochard

Lapwing hide: 9 mallards, 6 wood pigeons, 2 moorhens, 2 pheasant

Wood Loop: 1 nuthatch

Discovery hide: 1 kingfisher, 2 pochard

Scrape hide: 1 snipe

Sun 16 Oct

Wetland Discovery: 18 mallards, 4 tufted ducks, 2 coots, 1 pochard

Arun Riverlife: 2 kingfishers, 1 pochard

Ramsar hide: 1 great egret, 4 cormorants, 1 grey heron, 1 cattle egret

Scrape hide: 4 snipe

Sat 15 Oct

Wetland Discovery: 2 pochard, 1 kingfisher, 2 gadwall

Scrape hide: 1 great egret, 1 snipe

Willow screen: 2 kingfishers

Ramsar & Sand martin hide: 15 little egrets at 4:30 pm for roost

Arun Riverlife: 1 mute swan, 13 mallards, 1 gadwall, 24 tufted ducks, 26 coots, 2 moorhens, 1 Cetti’s warbler, 1 black-headed gull, 1 kingfisher

Ramsar and Sand martin hide: 1 grey heron, 1 cormorant, 1 little egret, 6 Egyptian geese, 4 shelducks, 1 kingfisher.

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