February Half Term at WWT

Have a wild time in wetlands this Half Term!

Discover nature at our wetland centres across the UK this Feburary. We’re talking everything from family-friendly bird watching at The Big Hideout to squelchy, sludgy and splashing great fun at Mudfest.

The Big Hideout

This half term, kids are taking over our bird hides. Borrow a pair of binoculars or get crafty and make your own. Discover the wild birds that live in our wetlands and let your imagination soar with our bird-themed activities.

Enjoy this event at WWT centres in Arundel, Caerlaverock, Castle Espie, London, Washington and Welney.


At WWT, we love mud. After all, you can’t have wetlands without it. So grab your wellies and get stuck into your holiday with minibeast mud hunts, glorious games, wild crafts – and mud, mud more.

Enjoy this event at Llanelli, Martin Mere and Slimbridge.

Find your nearest Half Term event