
Government must not let up on its actions to improve water quality

Government must not let up on its actions to improve water quality

WWT Chief Executive Sarah Fowler on why the Government needs to deliver on its promise to ensure housing developments include pollution mitigation measures and protect our waterways

21 July 2023

Why are apex predators like otters so important for the health of our wetlands?

Why are apex predators like otters so important for the health of our wetlands?

When we think of predators, it’s typically images of the lion stalking its prey on the African savannah that come to mind. Or maybe packs of grey wolves tracking elk across the snow in Yellowstone National Park.

10 July 2023

Enjoy wetland adventures of imagination, inspiration and illustration this summer

Enjoy wetland adventures of imagination, inspiration and illustration this summer

Wetlands are the perfect place for adventures. With magical places to play, mysterious wildlife to discover and mesmerising places to explore, what will you uncover at our wetland sites this summer?

6 July 2023

Why spending time near water can boost your mental health

Why spending time near water can boost your mental health

Annie Smith and her 20 year old son who lives with autism both attended a Blue Prescribing programme at London Wetland Centre, which gave them simple ways to connect with nature daily to help boost their mental health.

28 June 2023

Thank you to all our volunteers

Thank you to all our volunteers

At WWT we really couldn’t operate without our volunteers. Over 900 passionate and dedicated people give hours of their time to support WWT’s vital wetland conservation work.

6 June 2023

Rare bird bonanza on WWT reserves this spring

Rare bird bonanza on WWT reserves this spring

Wetlands in spring are, let’s face it, the place to be. With migrants inbound, the sound of birdsong filling your ears and breeding season in full swing, how could you avoid it as your main destination?

5 June 2023

Reimagine the wonder of wetlands this summer

Reimagine the wonder of wetlands this summer

Our wetlands are buzzing with energy at this time of year. The water seems a more vibrant blue, flowers are bright and bold and the bird song sounds louder. It’s no wonder so many artists over the years have been inspired by our watery spaces.

5 June 2023

Celebrating the stories of our amazing volunteers

Celebrating the stories of our amazing volunteers

This Volunteers’ Week (1-7 June) we are celebrating the contribution of some of the amazing people who give up their time to support WWT’s work for people and nature.

1 June 2023

Spring on our reserves

Spring on our reserves

Spring is always an exciting time of year in a wetland. Colour, noise and activity are all on the increase as nature shifts into high gear for the breeding season. Thanks to your support we manage our reserves in a way that gives nature the best chance to thrive at this important time. Read on to discover what you might find at your next visit.

2 May 2023

The mood boosting wetlands that can turn even a bad day into a good day

The mood boosting wetlands that can turn even a bad day into a good day

Harune attended a Blue Prescribing workshop at London Wetland Centre in 2022. Harune experiences anxiety and depression and signed up to the course as a way of improving his mental health. He says it’s one of the best things he’s ever done.

26 April 2023

A birdwatching code of conduct: How to respect our wetland nature while still getting the most out of your birdwatching experience

A birdwatching code of conduct: How to respect our wetland nature while still getting the most out of your birdwatching experience

We’ve pulled together some useful tips on how to get the most out of your birding, while still protecting and respecting the birds and wetlands you love.

24 April 2023

How WWT is working to save the tiny bird that’s now rarer than the southern white rhino

How WWT is working to save the tiny bird that’s now rarer than the southern white rhino

A Q&A with Will Costa, WWT’s aviculturist, who’s working to save the rare willow tit.

4 April 2023

Five Wild Isles wetland superstars to spot at WWT sites

Five Wild Isles wetland superstars to spot at WWT sites

Majestic. Exciting. Breath-taking. BBC Wild Isles has enthralled us all with its stunning look into the incredible wildlife that calls the UK home.

2 April 2023

Top 5 nature themed gifts to treat your little ones with this Easter

Top 5 nature themed gifts to treat your little ones with this Easter

Looking for a wetland themed gift to inspire the younger generation to care about nature? We’ve got you covered this Easter, with everything from books and kids’ binoculars to wetland themed top trumps and bird bingo.

30 March 2023

Escape to our wetlands this spring

Escape to our wetlands this spring

Get outside and closer to spring wildlife. We promise you’ll feel renewed and refreshed by the vibrant energy of our wetlands at this time of year.

29 March 2023