Latest Sightings

The freezing temperatures have coincided with a busy week for the mere! In terms of waders, the black tailed godwits have been showing well from Discovery hide, and 18 ruff have been counted.

For winter wildfowl, 850 whooper swans were seen on the mere at 8am on Saturday, and today 19 pochard, and 13 tufted ducks were counted from Discovery hide. The numbers of shelduck and wigeon have also continued to climb. A goldeneye has also been making an appearance recently, having been seen yesterday from Raines hide.

At Ron Barker hide, a bittern has continued to be spotted, as well as a male hen harrier, and a peregrine flying over Vinson's.

Elsewhere, in the reedbed water rails have been heard calling, and a great white egret and little egret have been seen along ditches. A greater spotted woodpecker has also been seen regularly at Janet Kear hide, and at the feeders between Hale hide and Raines hide.

(Photo: Goldeneye)

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