A sea eagle (also known as a white tailed eagle) was spotted over our site on Friday as well.
Lapwing numbers have gone up a bit now that the weather has warmed up with 40-60 counted on the lagoon between Ramsar and Sand martin hide. Good numbers of shelducks there, too.
On the lighter afternoons marsh harriers are coming in later - our survey last Sunday counted 12 marsh harriers coming in for the roost.
Wetland Discovery: 1 kingfisher
Arun Riverlife: 1 pochard
Ramsar and Sand martin hide: 11 snipe, 58 lapwing, 1 mute swan, 1 grey heron, 15 shelducks, 47 Canada geese, 8 cackling geese,24 greylag geese, 3 pochards, 3 cormorants, 28 mallards, 4 moorhens, 8 coots, 8 teal, 7 shoveler, 2 gadwall, 32 black-headed gulls, 3 common gulls.
Arun Riverlife: 4 pochards
Lapwing hide: 2 mallards, 5 pheasants,
Wetland Discovery: 1 pochard, 58 lapwing, 1 snipe, 16 shelducks, 3 wigeon, 12 common gulls, 1 Mediterranean gull
Arun Riverlife: 1 kingfisher
Wetland Discovery: 1 blackbird, 2 robins
1 water rail, 1 coot, 2 carrion crows, 23 mallards
Ramsar and Sand martin hide: 12 shelducks, 22 teal, 5 shoveler, 5 shoveler, 1 heron, 4 gadwall, 1 lapwing
Lapwing hide: 1 stonechat
Scrape hide: 1 chiffchaff, 2 shoveler, 2 gadwall
Pelican cove: grey wagtail, 1 little grebe
Arun Riverlife: 86 black-headed gulls, 10 coots, 1 moorhen, 1 wren, 2 carrion crows
Wetland Discovery: 1 water rail
Sand martin hide: 13 teal, 2 goldcrest, 11 shelduck, 3 shoveler
Scrape hide: 5 gadwall
Reedbed: 1 marsh harrier
Wood Loop: 1 water rail
Over lakes and forests: White-tailed eagle
Scrape hide: 2 bittern – one in reedbed left, one flying over right side, 1 water rail.
Wood Loop: 1 mallard, 2 chaffinches, 6 long-tailed tits, 1 blackbird, 3 robins, 8 blue tits, 4 great tit, 3 woodpigeon
Reedbed: 2 snipe
Willow Sphere: 2 teal
Wetland Discovery 8 cattle egrets
Sand Martin and Ramsar hides: 1 water rail, 1 snipe, 6 shelducks
Lapwing in flight last week by volunteer James King