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Snipe upswing, plus a kestrel

Lots of snipe about – our count showed 27 on Tuesday morning between the Ramsar and Sand Martin hide. On Sunday we spotted a kestrel hunting in front of Reedbed hide. Kingfisher has been showing at the Scrape hide and between Ramsar and Sand Martin hides. We’ve seen some stonechats down by the Lapwing hide and bullfinches and goldcrest on the hedgerow to the Tranquil Trail.

Tues 19 Dec

Ramsar and Sand martin hide: 9 shovelers, 1 grey heron, 8 cackling geese, 1 kingfisher, 3 redwings, 1 water rail, 35 mallards, 1 tufted ducks, 14 lapwings, 12 Canada geese, 3 greylag geese, 25 black headed gulls, 2 cormorants, 3 moorhens, 2 blue tits, 5 goldfinches, 2 pochard, 5 cattle egrets, 27 snipe, 39 teal, 6 shelducks

Wetland Discovery: 1 gold crest 1 bullfinch, 9 tufted ducks, 1 pochard

Reedbed: Cetti’s warbler

Sun 17 Dec

Arun Riverlife lagoon: 4 pochard

Scrape hide: 12 snipe

Reedbed: 1 kestrel hunting in front of reedbed hide

Ramsar and Sand martin hide: 1 snip in front of Ramsar hide, 4 Egyptian geese, 14 shelducks, 7 wigeon, 16 lapwing, 26 common gull

Wetland Discovery: 3 coots, 18 mallards, 1 Canada goose.

Sat 16 Dec

Arun Riverlife lagoon: 3 mute swans, 28 coots, 18 tufted ducks, 3 pochards, 45 mallards, 6 black-headed gulls, 3 Canada Geese

Ramsar and Sand Martin hide: 13 shelducks, 23 lapwing

Scrape hide: 12 snipe, 1 kingfisher

Fri 15 Dec

Ramsar & Sand martin hide: 6 shelducks, 1 pochard, 2 Egyptian geese, 2 greylag geese, 24 Canada geese, 12 teal, 2 cormorants, black-headed gulls

Lapwing hide: 1 grey heron, 2 stonechats

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