Kingfishers hatch young at the South Finger

Kingfishers have hatched young

Today's highlights included the following from around the hides and trails

Kingfisher Hide

The breeding pair of Kingfishers appear to have hatched young, numerous visits from a parent carrying fish into the hole this morning.


Singing Sedge Warblers can be found all over the site including the grounds, some passage birds may have bolstered the territorial birds , a few dropping in thanks to overcast conditions and light rain showers. The Duck Decoy boardwalk is a great place to see and hear them.

Estuary Tower

A darvic ringed (RED AAR) Great Egret fishing on the Pill box pool, this is likley to be UK ringed bird plus 22 Avocet on the Dumbles scrape, 2 Peregrine and 8 Lapwing on the Dumbles with two breeding plumage Golden Plover and four Wheatear also present here today.

Middle Point

Before the tide flooded and birds began moving to the Dumbles there were 42 Bar-tailed Godwit, 6 Curlew, 4 Oystercatcher, 10 Avocet, 77 Ringed Plover and 43 Dunlin on the mud, on the ebb tide 5 possibly 6 Turnstone joined them, also singing Reed Warblers in the reedbeds. The immature Spoonbill and two Little Egret were in one of the tidal pools but moved the Dumbles as the tide flooded.

Tack Piece

Golden Plover in the damp hollow and was best viewed from Summer Walkway, 8 Black-tailed Godwit, 7 Avocet, the long staying drake Pintail.

Top New Piece

A breeding plumage male Bar-tailed Godwit was with the 85 Black-tailed Godwit, additonal numbers of the former arrived over high tide, four male and two female Shoveler, 5 Teal, a Common Sandpiper, nesting Crane, 33 Avocet and a Kingfisher were on the scrape.

Bottom New Piece

Breeding plumage male Ruff (with glossy black ruff), a Spotted Redshank (partial breeding plumage) on the distant flood as viewed from Zeiss Hide + Avocet and 6 Redshank.

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