Latest sightings

First breeding record for Teal on the reserve

First breeding record for Teal on the reserve

Image - A female Teal with one of her four ducklings, a first breeding record for Slimbridge!

25 July 2024

24th of July Sightings

24th of July Sightings

A Ruff having a stretch from Discovery hide

24 July 2024

22 July 2024 update

22 July 2024 update

Avocet and Oystercatcher 'shadowing' a Mute Swan.The last of the Avocet nests have hatched on the Rushy with the Oystercatcher family from the Pondzone making their way here also. At least six adult Avocet remain to defend what appears to be broods of 1,1

22 July 2024

Brown Hare encounters and W.s Bluethroat news

Brown Hare encounters and W.s Bluethroat news

Brown Hares were again evident on the Summer Walkway path and Tack Piece, these confiding animals are seemingly oblivious to humans, there was quite possibly some boxing involved today, this would indicates that a female discouraging is the attention and

15 July 2024

Highlights 10 to 14 July

Highlights 10 to 14 July

Brown Hare on the Dumbles- MJMBrown Hare encounters have increased this year, the Dumbles is a good place to look for them but they also show up at the hides. Some animals can be very confiding and show little fear of humans. Today has seen a lot of activ

14 July 2024



Our duck species have been productive this summer, despite heavy predation at times, areas busier with ducks and the spots with much emergent vegetation have seen the young grow to a defensible size. Our section of the Severn has at least six broods of Sh

9 July 2024

Much needed rain

Much needed rain

At last! We've finally had some decent rainfall to top up the scrapes and ditches, multiple weeks with light or no rainfall led to rapidly lowering water levels on a few scrapes that we want to keep wet. This is somewhat hard to believe after such a wet

7 July 2024

Five Ruff have returned

Five Ruff have returned

At least five different breeding plumage male Ruff have now returned to the scrapes although they are in moult. Like most of the freshwater loving waders here they are feeding in a few places but spending most of the time between Top New Piece and the Sou

4 July 2024

End of June/early July arrivals

End of June/early July arrivals

Image- juvenile Redshank (can be mistaken for other wader species at this time of year)1 July sightingsSouth LakeThree 3 breeding plumage male Ruff (black, blonde and white), two Little-ringed Plover, Kingfisher passing the hide regularly with fish, 99 Bl

1 July 2024

Summer waders

Summer waders

Summer WadersThe majority of the waders on site are forming post breeding flocks, the exception being Avocet with many broods at the Rushy/Tack Piece and a few at South Lake. Even the Avocets are forming post-breeding flocks, around70-80 have been heading

27 June 2024

Catch it while you can

Catch it while you can

Image- Sedge Warbler- MJM'Showy' males continue to sing at the Sanderson bridge near Discovery Hide and in the Matrix.White-spotted Bluethroat- Catch it while you can.Based on previous years experience, there might only be a week or two to catch a reliabl

24 June 2024

Post breeding dispersals

Post breeding dispersals

This week has seen a few significant counts or sightings of birds that are now dispersing after breeding or have sadly failed. Lapwing, Teal and Curlew numbers have increased and a few more Green Sandpipers arrived, at least seven counted together yesterd

20 June 2024

June showers and squalls

June showers and squalls

Picture - Dark clouds over the river

15 June 2024

Avocets hatching

Avocets hatching

Avocet attacking a Mallard and duckling, South Lake - M.J.McGill.The breeding Avocets have had rather a torrid time this Spring, predation has been heavy from Carrion Crows and Herring Gulls in particular but two colonies managed to establish at typically

13 June 2024

First brood of Shoveler for the year

First brood of Shoveler for the year

Martin Smith HideOur first Northern Shoveler brood appeared on the Tack Piece today, at least seven ducklings accompanied their mother, the habitat overlooked by the Martin Smith Hide is often favoured by the scarce breeding species. Two Kingfishers have

11 June 2024