A grey Saturday

The weather may not be inspiring, but the birding is as good as ever across the reserve

The weather may not be inspiring, but the birding is as good as ever across the reserve on this rather grey and overcast Saturday.

Summer Walkway / Middle Point
Out on the estuary our Curlew numbers are growing with 33 birds present this morning. Sadly reports from WWT monitoring in the Severn & Avon Vale, and reports from our partners across the UK point to another very poor breeding season for the species. Also on the mudflats were 86 Shelduck plus a pair with a brood of seven ducklings, and a Little Egret was stalking the riverbank just north of Middle Point.

Estuary Tower
Two Great Egret were on the Pillbox Pool this morning before flying up and over the Decoy. Later they were seen on the Top New Piece and were joined by a third bird. Also on the Pillbox Pool were the two juvenile Little Grebe. An Oystercatcher and a pair of Avocet with a brood of 2 chicks were on the Dumbles scrape.

Robbie Garnett Hide
The Ross's Goose has returned from Frampton-on-Severn and was on the Tack Piece this morning with 58 Barnacle Geese.

Rushy Hide
A Little Ringed Plover was still on the nest inside the protective cage, whilst on the lower pond were four broods of Avocet. On the upper pond were five Lapwing and a drake Teal, and a Cetti's Warbler was singing near the hide. A Common Tern flew over mid-morning.

Decoy Hide
A pair of Tufted Duck were on the pond this morning with a single duckling. A Cuckoo was singing from the Decoy Wood and the Canoe Safari.

South Finger Reedbed
A Little Grebe was on the settling pond from the viewing screen. A Cuckoo was singing nearby as were several Chiffchaff and Reed Warbler.

South Lake
At least 27 Avocet chicks were on the scrape with 69 adults. Also present were 41 Black-tailed Godwit, the black male Ruff, and a Little Ringed Plover on scrape. On the deep lake were 42 Gadwall plus a female with a brood of six ducklings, also noted were two female Wigeon and a drake Teal. The hybrid drake Chiloe x Eurasian Wigeon from Rushy has moved here to moult.

Zeiss Hide
At least two Garganey were on the Top New Piece along with two broods of Shelduck, 29 Avocet, two broods of Tufted Duck, a brood of Gadwall along with 85 moulting adults, two broods of Mallard family, a single Redshank, 16 Lapwing, a drake Shoveler, 10 drake Teal and a single Reed Bunting. Later this morning three Great Egret dropped in.

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