Re-opening tomorrow!

A brief round-up of sightings for Sunday 11th April.

We're really looking forward to seeing our members and visitors back enjoying the Spring wetlands from Monday 12th April.

Please click on this useful link for full details of what to expect on your visit.

A chilly night and early morning gave way to sunshine later in the day, we had a number of spring migrants about the reserve and further breeding activity or territorial behaviour from other species. At least 8 Willow Warbler joined the numerous Blackcaps and Chiffchaffs, Cetti's Warbler sang from the usual spots around the grounds and hides. Most notable were both Reed and Sedge Warbler singing in the Pill Box Pool reed bed, a few more Sedge Warblers were heard about the reserve. A White Wagtail dropped in, at least probably four Common Sandpipers, a 2cy Mediterranean Gull and 7 Little-ringed Plovers were noted, two pairs have established. Flocks of Sand Martins and Swallows fed over the Tack Piece with a few over the trees on the South Lake.

An unringed Crane was on the Dumbles with a pair and a single on Top New Piece, Albert could be seen distantly on the now ploughed and sown Severn Ground. A male Goldeneye continued to spend time with the captive birds in the Big Pen area. Avocets were present on the Top New Piece, South Lake, Dumbles, Rushy and Tack Piece, they could be seen regularly flying over the grounds to visit the various sites. A Red Kite flew NE at 08:50am and the regular wing tagged Marsh Harrier toured the reserve. The Cackling Goose was on the Tack Piece field this morning.

Regular updates and news can be found on our Twitter feed

Hope to see you soon.

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