Spotted Flycatchers

At least two Spotted Flycatchers present today.

A couple of Spotted Flycatchers appeared after heavy rains this morning, typical late May migrants here but still scarce in Spring, one was near the tunnel by Martin Smith Hide and the other was along the ditch near to the Goose House. Image was supplied by Lise.

A few other migrants were on the reserve with eight Red Knot seen at high tide along with at least 19 Sanderling, 56 Dunlin (included one arctica race) and 47 Ringed Plover and a Bar-tailed Godwit on the Top New Piece.

A timeline of sightings and images from the day can be viewed via the reserve Twitter feed, click here

Other highlights included the following


Our Little-ringed Plovers have laid an egg, the nest is covered with a protective cage to avoid the eggs being trampled or predated. At least 12 Avocet nests are active with a brood of two still present, the Oystercatcher pair have three chicks and a party of 30 Black-tailed Godwits have dropped in to feed regularly. At least nine Black-headed Gull nests have been established. A few ducks included the female Wigeon and two Gadwall and the Mute Swan brood of five are still on the top pond.

Tack Piece

A bit quieter here as water levels remain very high due to the extreme rain, a Great White Egret was seen here this morning and 30+ Swift have been feeding over through the day.

Middle Point

An Avocet was off Middle Point with the waders mentioned above. The Grasshopper Warbler was reeling and both Reed Bunting and Reed Warbler were singing.

South Lake

Very busy with Avocet chicks, at least nine mobile broods, two hatching nests and a further 11 nests yet to hatch.

The nesting Little-ringed Plover pair continue to defend against grumpy Avocets, a few Black-tailed Godwits have been back and forth from the Rushy.

The Great Crested Grebe pair have sadly lost their chicks, a couple of Little Grebe were on the deep lake.

Top New Piece

At least one female Marsh Harrier has been visiting regularly during the day, this wasn't well recieved by the Avocets, Redshank and Lapwing on the flood.

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