Wild Winter Weekend Sunday sightings

Thank you to everyone that visited, great weather and the birding was good.

Highlights for today included

Rushy Hide

90+ Bewick's Swan at the roost/feeds, many went to the Tack Piece and Dumbles to feed for the day. A few Snipe, the Spoonbill came in mid-morning and the single Wing damaged) Avocet was on the pools. The drake Chiloe Wigeon hybrid was on the lower pond.

Tack Piece

The Spoonbill was resting on the scrape edge over midday, 800 Wigeon, 500 Teal plus Pintail and Shelduck, 220 Curlew included two head started birds, 300 Black-tailed Godwit, 43 Redshank, 17 Ruff and 600 Golden Plover (latter morning only). Three Buzzards all day.

Estuary Tower

A Dark-bellied Brent Goose, Ross' Goose, Snow x Bar-headed Goose and 57 Russian White-fronted Geese fed on the Dumbles, a single Greenland White-fronted Goose flew past calling but carried on to the Ox Piece. Two Peregrines, a Great White Egret and a few Skylarks also present. The Spoonbill was seen on the Severn as the tide flooded but moved to the Tack Piece.

The rest of the Russian White-fronted goose flock were in the Ox Piece, look NE over Tack Piece.

South Lake

Now 12 Avocet, a gathering of gull were mostly Black-headed this morning but one appeared to be a Black-headed x Mediterranean hybrid.

Canoe Trail

Great White Egret fishing this morning.

Duck Decoy/Boardwalk

A Chiffchaff, a few Bullfinches and a Snipe all noted.

Glossy Ibis

It was feeding the usual field near to the canal, please park only in the free car park at Sheperds Patch or WWT car par and view with care from the approach road.

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