Anya Gordon

Conservation Evidence Placement Student

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About me

I am a BSc (Hons) Conservation Biology student at the University of Plymouth with a particular passion for ornithology. I am also interested in the interconnected nature of ecosystems and the potential knock-on effects of human interaction. Various volunteering roles have provided me with insight into the positive impact practical conservation work, public engagement, and education can have on our endangered world. After pledging support for WWT’s Wetlands Can campaign, I loved hearing about its progression, and it highlighted to me the crucial hidden benefits this habitat offers us and our environment. This ultimately influenced me to apply for my role at WWT, and I’m excited to contribute in any way I can.

My role

My primary role involves water sample collection from Slimbridge and a bimonthly laboratory analysis of water samples across all WWT centres. I also help with various projects within the Conservation Evidence department by undertaking tasks such as writing literature reviews, engaging with the public, and data analysis.

Experience and interests

  • Fieldwork and data collection: habitat mapping, camera trapping, surveying, terrestrial and aquatic sampling
  • General laboratory skills
  • Conducting research by reviewing and interpreting from a variety of sources
  • Organisation and teamwork
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