Project Godwit Volunteer
I am very interested in the research that helps inform conservation initiatives and I’m currently pursuing a career in conservation genetics. I have thoroughly enjoyed my studies at the University of Bristol where I investigated the conservation genomics of the endangered Scottish Wildcat, and I am hoping to carry out a PhD in a related field in the near future. I wanted to volunteer with WWT to get a taste of what conservation work is like and learn more about the work that goes into the conservation of our native species. Alongside my volunteering, I am continuing my research on wildcats at the University of Bristol.
Within the conservation evidence team at WWT I am assisting the Principal Research Officer Dr Nicol-Harper with the exploration and management of data regarding the headstarting and early-life effects of Godwits. The results from analysis of this data will help inform the future conservation strategies at Slimbridge. I am hoping to experience what work is like in conservation and learn from the experienced conservationists and scientists at WWT.