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Srun Bunthary

Technical Officer (Cambodia)

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About me

After graduating in Economic Development, I started my career working for Equal Access International as Programme Officer, initially focusing on education and awareness through media such as radio and TV show programme. During six years in this role, I worked alongside governments, NGO partners, private sectors, local communities and youth related to Indigenous people land use rights. I supported conservation work, small medium enterprise development, community based livelihoods, funded from multi-donors such as UNCEF, UNDP, USAID-Winrock International, URC.

I then moved to WWF-Cambodia, working as a Senior Community Engagement and Livelihood Expert based in Mondulkiri Province, where I worked on projects covering conservation, environmental education, small enterprises and community development. I provided technical support to NGO partners and community to develop Community Protected Area Management Plans and SME start-ups. During this time, I also completed my Masters degree in management development and degree in business administration.

When I learnt about the work of WWT, its vision, mission to conserve wetlands and improve community living standard through livelihood initiatives, I wanted to learn more about these amazing systems and bring my skills and experience to help WWT’s mission.

My role

My major roles are to support the development and implementation of integrated conservation and development. To do this, I coordinate and facilitate consultations, planning workshops and capacity building programmes that contribute to joint conservation, environment, advocacy and development initiatives. I work closely with WWT’s partners to ensure different project elements are coordinated, and I support partners to link social interventions to conservation outcomes. I am especially involved in WWT’s livelihood schemes around ecotourism and sustainable natural resource management, and coordinate community-based habitat restoration programmes around inundated forests.

Experience and interests

  • Social assessment, surveys and research
  • Community-based conservation
  • Small business and enterprise development
  • Project management, monitoring and evaluation
  • Environmental Education Awareness
  • Communication
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